More of Ohio's needy children will have access to healthy meals this summer, with the help of 100 AmeriCorps VISTA Summer Associates who kicked off a summer of service today at a swearing-in ceremony at the Mid-Ohio Foodbank. The VISTA Summer Associates will spend the summer supporting organizations who serve free meals to children during the summer through the USDA's Summer Food Service Program.
United States Department of Agriculture Undersecretary Kevin Concannon administered the federal oath of service at the ceremony. Concannon expressed his gratitude toward National Service and its ability to help provide meals to children in need across Ohio.
"The health and wellbeing of our nation is dependent on the health of our children, and no child should ever have to go hungry," Concannon said. "USDA knows that our strength comes from our partnerships and from the work of service members such as the 100 AmeriCorps VISTA Summer Associates who will help ensure that Ohio children have a healthy start in life."
This year, 25 organizations throughout Ohio were awarded Summer Associates administered by the Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks, which acts as an intermediary between the Corporation for National and Community Service and the organizations that serve summer meals to children, including rec centers, places of worship, schools and camps. Summer Associates recruit volunteers, develop fun and educational activities for the summer programs, and reach out to families in need to ensure more children are being fed.
Crucial support for OASHF's Summer Associate program was provided by Governor Kasich's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Due to an uncertainty in funding for the Summer Associate program, OASHF was originally awarded only 75 Summer Associate slots to be placed at summer feeding sites in 2011. Recognizing the growing needs of children throughout Ohio with so many families still out of work, the Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives provided an additional $60,000 that allowed OASHF to mobilize 25 more Summer Associates.
Four in ten Ohio children now qualify for the free or reduced-price school lunch. For these children, whose families struggle to make ends meet all year round, summer vacation can mean an end to the nutritional stability they have at school.
“Last year, only one out of every 12 children throughout Ohio who were eligible, were connected to the state’s Summer Food Service Programs. Summer Associates are a vital resource for organizations and agencies that administer a Summer Food Service Program, allowing for these sites to provide a nutritious meal to children in need,” said Lisa Hamler-Fugitt, OASHF executive director.
U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown, who co-hosted a hunger summit in January aimed at increasing the number of children who have access to a summer feeding site, sent a letter of recognition to each of the Summer Associates. "Like you, I swore an oath to serve the public. It is a humbling responsibility to recognize our individual actions are measured by the public good. But it's also an honor, and one that I now share with you," Brown wrote.
"As I travel the state, I see first-hand why what you do is so important. Congratulations again and thank you for your service to the people of our great state. I look forward to working with you and seeing the great things you will accomplish."
(See the Summer Associates taking the oath of service administered by United States Department of Agriculture Undersecretary Kevin Concannon.)