AARP Ohio partnered with OASHF through AARP's Create the Good Campaign to reach out to AARP Ohio members and ask for their help in the fight against hunger. Here are some of the remarks that members shared when they called our hotline to donate:
Phyllis said, "It is just the right thing to do. I want to help my neighbors."
Denise said she usually tries to help out with the food pantries in her neighborhood at least three times a year.
Anonymous sees the need in her area. They are fortunate and want to give what they can.
Ron volunteers twice a week at the food pantry. Volunteering not only makes him feel good but makes him appreciate how blessed he is even when he has to tighten his budget.
Ross volunteers at the local pantry and knows sometimes that they run out of food to give people. So he thought the next time he went to volunteer he would also bring some food to donate.
Patricia got the postcard in the mail and just wanted to help out.
Eugene just retired and realizes he is more fortunate than a lot of other people. He feels it is the right thing to do because he has a little extra money to buy some shelf-stable food.
Connie has always donated. There was a time when her husband was out of work and they did not have much money. They lived on a farm and were able to grow their own food, but a lot of other people do not have that blessing.

Kathleen had a friend who used to get everyone to donate food/diapers/clothes every week at their church, and whenever there was someone who needed something, she would get the items together and give them to the family in need. Her friend passed away two years ago, and she has been thinking for a long time about taking up her cause. When she opened the letter she thought this was the time to do it. She also thought of her parents who are older and live out of state; she would want someone to do something for them if they needed it.
We appreciated hearing from all of the wonderful AARP Ohio members who continually reach out to support their local Foodbanks.