A Success Story to Smile About

"Regina came in to do a SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) application in June. Through that process one of the OBB ODJFS case workers discovered she has been eligible for unemployment since March of this year, however we were unable to reach her for sometime due to the nature of her living situation and the fact that she does not have an address or phone. (At the end of last year she was laid off and then lost her apartment. She and her daughter have been homeless since the beginning of the  year, however somehow she managed to have her daughter graduate from high school.)
After we finally tracked her down (with the help of some of our other homeless clients, out on the street looking for her!) she was able to set up a mailing address through our office, and we worked with the unemployment office to straighten everything out.
She just stopped by to check her mail, and received over $4000 in back unemployment!
This is a HUGE success story folks! She is on her way to go look for an apartment. Keep doing what you’re doing everyone, it is important! We hear doom and gloom all the time: take a minute to smile about our impact in this family’s life!”

- Emily Forsee, OASHF HarvestCorps (AmeriCorps*State) Member