Today's Columbus Dispatch cover story featured our very own AmeriCorps*VISTA member, Alesha Rademan. We asked Alesha to tell us more about her story as a recent college graduate and her struggle to find work in the current job market:
"I graduated from Capital University in May of 2009 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management & Leadership (Human Resources). I thought I was going to be able to just walk into the job market and find something related to my degree with almost no problem. Boy, was I wrong.
I was approached about becoming a VISTA right after graduation, but I repeatedly said no because I just knew I would find a job. I sent out anywhere between 30-50 applications, most in Ohio but some in other states such as Washington, Michigan, and Indiana. In the end the out-of-state companies did not even respond. Most of the positions in Ohio expected the applicants to have 5 years of prior experience or more. There were not very many entry levels positions and if there was they were not positions I could really see myself enjoying and lasting very long. I did have some responses from companies about a few positions I applied for and even made it to an interview, a second interview, and in two cases a job offer.
Unfortunately, the two job offers I did receive were for a call center and as a telemarketer for a student loan company. Neither position was something I could see myself lasting in for more than a couple months. The whole situation just made me uncomfortable. So it was back to the drawing board. I attended two or three job fairs in Columbus. I made a few connections but for the most part I felt they were a waste of my time because they were primarily meant to build skills, skills I already acquired at Capital. I remember standing in line for a job fair held at Vets Memorial for about an hour and a half to only spend an hour inside. Most of that hour unfortunately was spent waiting in line to talk to three companies.
The next thing I knew a year had gone by since I had graduated and I was still only working part time and still living at home. I was approached again about becoming a VISTA and the idea seemed a little more appealing. The final decision really did come down to I needed a better job, something more than part time. I participated in community service while in college and it was something that I wanted to continue doing after I graduated so becoming a VISTA made sense. The pay rate was a little intimidating but it was such a good opportunity for connections and a resume booster I couldn’t really come up with a reason to say no. I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into when I began my year of service in June, but now I am completely happy with my decision and can’t wait to see what the rest of my year of service will bring."
Alesha is currently serving as a Community Trainer with The Ohio Benefit Bank, helping people in similar situations in Southeast Ohio. Visit the OBBservations in Southeast Ohio blog to learn more about Alesha's work.