Just Released: New Poverty Statistics from the Census Bureau

From the Associated Press: "Given all the unemployment we saw, it's the government safety net that's keeping people above the poverty line," said Douglas Besharov, a University of Maryland public policy professor and former scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute.

That may be true, but unfortunately today's release of new U.S. Census Bureau poverty statistics for 2009 also show the continuation of another trend: more Americans are falling below the poverty line. OASHF and its member foodbanks and partners are on the front lines of the fight against poverty every day, and these statistics speak to what we are witnessing in communities across Ohio.

Among the working-age population, ages 18 to 65, poverty rose from 11.7 percent to 12.9 percent.

Child poverty rose from 19 percent to 20.7 percent.

Read more about the most recent statistics and help someone you know to find the help that they need.